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Dear Delegates,
I bid you a warm welcome to the 12th Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society (APPES) Biennial Scientific Meeting.

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global crisis, and the resulting travel restriction and social distancing requirement has resulted in uncertainties and posed significant challenges in the organisation of this meeting. Despite the trying circumstances, APPES and the Korean Society of Pediatric Endocrinology (KSPE) will work closely together to deliver a safe, informative, and enjoyable conference. Despite the ongoing pandemic we must persevere in our mission, be innovative and adapt to the circumstance in order to continue our mandate to promote and develop paediatric endocrinology in the Asia Pacific region, in order to bring better care to the children, and to grow the influence and prominence of Asia Pacific in the global paediatric endocrinology fraternity. Our scientific meetings and fellows’ schools are very important avenues to share and impart knowledge, and also to grow our paediatric endocrine community and build camaraderie.

It is very gratifying to see my fellow colleagues in APPES and KSPE persevering to produce this conference despite the challenges. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank the organising and scientific committees for putting together such an excellent programme. I am grateful for the partnership of KSPE and on behalf of my APPES council members, I would like to express our gratitude for their friendship and collaboration.

We hope you will enjoy the experience of this conference!

With best regards
